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A new push

February 17, 2011

By Staff Reporter

“It’s a major boost,” said Ciaran Staunton, the president of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform, which has been campaigning on behalf of the undocumented thousands since December 2005. “He’s been a great ally for us in the Senate. We’ve met with him several times both in Washington and in Philadelphia.”
The omens were already looking good ahead of the ILIR’s public meeting next Wednesday evening at Rory Dolan’s, 890 McLean Ave. in Yonkers (May 6 at 7:30 p.m.). Staunton pointed to President Obama’s planned speech on the issue next month and also the new consensus in the labor movement on the need for a comprehensive reform package.
If the legal case in Minnesota is resolved in Al Franken’s favor, the Democratic Party will have 60 senators. With that number, the majority party, though by no means at one on the issue, would be much better able to overcome Republican resistance to any deal.
“We’re hoping for a big turnout,” Staunton said about the Yonkers public meeting. “A lot of the same people are still here. But also, unemployment in Ireland could reach double digits. We need long-term access for Irish people.”
In a statement on Schumer’s hearing tomorrow, the ILIR said that former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan will talk “about the economic benefits of a mass legalization policy. Future hearings will feature other stakeholders such as labor and business leaders outlining the necessity for positive immigration reform.”
Schumer, who replaced Senator Edward Kennedy as chair of the Senate immigration subcommittee, said last week: “We’re just at the beginning.”
ILIR said that its chairman Bart Murphy and Staunton have held several recent meetings with key members of Congress, as well as with Irish officials and ministers.
Former Congressman Bruce Morrison is the main speaker at Wednesday’s meeting in Rory Dolan’s. Staunton, Murphy and their ILIR colleague Kelly Fincham will also address the gathering.
The ILIR said “it will outline the Irish E3 visa proposal it is seeking to have passed in Congress.
“Similar to the Australian / U.S. proposal passed in 2005, the Irish E3 would provide for 10,500 work visas per annum from Ireland to the U.S. The ILIR proposal would be the first solution for significant, long-term and sustainable migration from Ireland to the U.S. for over 45 years.
“Significantly, and in light of the current economic crisis in Ireland,” the statement continued, “the ILIR E3 visa proposal has the backing and support of the Irish government.”
For more information about next week’s public meeting call (718) 598-7530 or email info@irishlobbyusa.org.

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