L_nasa’s distinctive sound often features turn-on-a-dime changes within medleys, a crackling attack, a rock-solid rhythm on bass and guitar that also serves to propel the lead instruments of flute, fiddle, whistle, and pipes, some playful brinkmanship (such as those sudden, teasing caesuras within long melody lines), and a flat-out joy in performing.
The band works hard to make their all-instrumental sound seem both effortless and evergreen.
Those hallmarks were in full display at this southern Dutchess County club. Even the one audience member who barked out odd comments at odd moments couldn’t derail L_nasa from delivering a powerfully focused performance. Core repertoire tunes like “The Miller of Drohan” and Pierre Bensusan’s “The Last Pint” never sounded tired because the band injected each with new energy and purpose.
More impressive still were the tunes they performed from “Redwood,” their upcoming album. Kevin Crawford’s breathy flute playing on the song melody of “A St