By Frank Cull
The results are in from the National Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies election and incumbent President Patrick T. O’Brien of the Police Emerald Society of the Washington, D.C., area beat out Dennis Long of the Jersey City, N.J., Police Emerald Society by five votes in a hotly contested battle.
Elected veeps were First Vice President Kevin Taylor of the Police Emerald Society of Illinois; Second Vice President Bob Sullivan of the Jersey City (N.J.) Police Emerald Society and Third Vice President Brian Mannon of the Police Emerald Society of the Washington, D.C., area. The Executive Director for the national organization is Louis Walker of the Nassau County (N.Y.) Police Emerald Society. The Treasurer is Michael Newton of the Police Emerald Society of Baltimore (MD). The Secretaries, Financial and Recording, are Thomas Hoban of the Philadelphia (Pa.) Police Emerald Society and Donald Stephens of the Omaha (Neb.) area Emerald Society. The Sergeant at Arms (check your guns at the door!) is Art Sheehan of the West Haven (Conn.) Police Emerald Society. Emerald best wishes are extended to President Pat O’Brien and his new executive board of officers for a successful tenure in office.
Krui$e control
Brian Sharkey president of the NYC Department of Correction Emerald Society led a group of Emerald revelers on the "Kruise for Kids" moonlight sail around Manhattan. Founded in 1992, the Kruise for Kids is the main fund-raiser for Project Children, bringing in an average one-third of the charity’s income. This year’s cruise raised approximately $100,000. Major domo for Project children continues to be NYPD Emerald Denis Mulcahy. Project Children will again be bringing over several hundred children from Northern Ireland to stay in the United States for the summer of 1999. As in years past, members of the NYPD Emerald Society have assisted with the baggage handling at JFK Airport. Anyone interested in assisting Project Children can call (914) 928-1564.
Fire tour
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Director of Athletics Bill Hopkins of the NYC Fire Department Emerald Society has announced that their Emerald Fire Brigade will be winging their way to the Emerald Isle on Aug. 22. It’s a nine-day eight-night tour of Ireland hitting all the high spots.
Get well greetings
In the "Have to Have Heart" Department, we extend Emerald get well wishes to Ray Kelly, Joe Mulroe, and George Taafe. Ray Kelly, New York’s former top cop who now heads the U.S. Customs Service, is recovering from heart bypass surgery and doing nicely. Commissioner Kelly was Irishman of the Year in 1992 for the NYC Police Department Emerald Society. FDNY Emerald and former blazebeater and Fire Marshal Joe Mulroe is also making fine progress, as is George Taafe, a past president of the Con Edison Emerald Society.
The Police Emerald Society of Rockland County has a unique situation. The President of their Society, Tom Gaynor, is an active member of their Bagpipe Band. The Bandmaster for the Men of the Pipes and Drums is Bill Gravins.
Law enforcement growth
The Emerald Society of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies has announced that their membership now extends into 20 different federal agencies all over the U.S. and also to Emeralds based in Europe.
President John Fitzgerald and his NYC Police Department Emerald Society saluted three veteran Emeralds at their "Salute to Retirees" night. Honors were heaped upon retirees — Det. Harry McAlpine, Det. Thomas Mulvihill and Lt. James Gill. Fitzgerald also noted that applications for the upcoming test for Police Officer to be given on Sept. 25, 1999 are now available. The filing period is from now through July 27, 1999. For an application and the schedule of the free tutoring classes, call (212) RECRUIT, (718) 222-2923 or (914) 928-1564 or visit the NYPD Recruitment Section website at
Police Emerald Society of Westchester and their Bagpipe Band were featured performers at "Crime Stoppers Day" at Playland in Rye, N.Y.