Greg Delanty
Cork-born poet Greg Delanty sets his poems in Ireland, the U.S. and India, and weaves together the concepts of the leper — social outcast and scapegoat, and needlework — the stitching, some unseen, some elaborate and gaudy, that holds together our lives, public and private. Often his words reflect the “blind stitch” that holds a garment together, seen by Delanty as a metaphor for the unspoken understandings that may hold friends and lovers together. If that seems inaccessible, don’t be put off. Delanty’s poems are genuine and written with clarity. His tribute to the mid-century American poet Frank O’Hara is a gem: “Frankie boy, New York is lonely without you/
Manhattan’s still mean, Frank. You’re bad. Where ya been?” Carcanet Press ( 52 pp. $7.95.
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The vibrant Dan_ is one of the best young folk bands playing out of Ireland today, and once again, with “All Things Considered,” they don’t disappoint. This album was a particularly long time in the making, two years, said accordionist Benny McCarthy, a result of the subtle refinements and perfectionsim that has become Dan_’s signature. Once again, despite their youth, the group has avoided any pop influences — interesting though such influences could be on their music, Dan_ will keep their work purely traditional for now. Shanachie Entertainment.
Chicago-founded Irish group Bohola began as “musical kinship” and is now a fully formed acoustic trio of trad players with deep roots in the “pure drop” tradition. This album runs from “Redican’s Jig” through to “The Little Thatched Cabin” and the band’s signature, “The Bohola Jig.” Jimmy Keane (accordion), Sean Cleland (fiddle, viola, baritone fiddle) and Pat Broaders (dordan, bouzouki, vocals) are a trio to watch. Shanachie Entertainment.
Cathie Ryan
What’s the difference between having a great voice and being a great singer,? About the same as having a good guitar and being a great guitarist, was the answer.
Cathie Ryan, in this, her third album, shows that she has both a great voice and the abilities of a great singer. Ryan said that her favorite song is the title song, which she attributes to its depth of spirit and ability to renew in her her sense of faith, since “the World Trade Center and Pentagon tragedies.” Shanachie Entertainment.