The Irish have made a strong contribution to the life and culture of the Bronx. While the borough has undergone many changes over the past three decades, many Irish Americans continue to play a significant role in its regeneration. The Irish Echo?s Best of the Bronx honorees are distinguished men and women who come from all walks of life, and share a common pride in, and commitment to, the Bronx.
Our honorees include: Kathleen Biggins, Brendan Cawley, FDNY, Terry Connaughton, Therese Crowe, Eddie Dowling, John Duffy, Caroline Duggan, Barney Ferguson, Kathleen Foley, Mike Gibbons, Fr. John Grange, Mary Holt Moore, Eileen Ivers, Tom Kelly, Jim Lombard, Dorothy Madden, Gene McCarthy, Bob Nolan, Peggy O’Connor, Walter O?Hara, Fr. Joseph O’Hare, S.J., Peter Quinn, Br. Thomas Scanlan, John Sweeney, AFL-CIO