Bryan has announced that when the whole pop star lark is over, he intends to run for the Irish presidency.
“I’m deadly serious,” he said, um, seriously. “When the time comes, I’ll run for president. I think I’d be very good.”
While following in the footsteps of Eamon de Valera and Mary Robinson would be a great honor for anyone, Bryan doesn’t seem too concerned with the historical importance attached to the job. But he does like the perks.
“Look at it this way,” he said. “You get a huge house, a private jet and about 15 security guards.” And, of course, full access to the minibar in the presidential suite. As well as Bill Clinton’s cell phone number.
Those of you who aren’t registered to vote in Ireland can relax — you have plenty of time to move there and establish residency. The minimum age for presidential candidates is 35 — which means the 23-year-old singer won’t be eligible for another 12 years.
In more McFadden news, we hear that the chunkiest Westie recently dropped two stone (28 pounds) using the controversial Atkins diet.
“It’s really changed my life because I can still eat all my favorite things without putting on weight,” the singer told the Sun newspaper.
A typical day’s intake for the singer now includes bacon, sausages and an egg for breakfast; chicken and vegetables for lunch; a burger with no bun and salad for dinner. And, when he’s thirsty: vodka with Diet Coke. Hey — a guy has to wash all those vegetables down with something.