U.S. Secretary of Commerce William M. Daley has announced that he will lead a business development mission to Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland the week of June 8.
The primary purpose of this mission is to support President Clinton’s pledge to push for progress toward a Northern Ireland peace accord by promoting greater economic stability in the region through increased U.S. exports and investment., according to a statement from the Commerce Department.
“This will be one of the most rewarding trade missions I will ever take,” Daley said. “It is time for peace in Ireland. President Clinton is personally involved and committed to pushing the peace process forward. As commerce secretary, I want the business community to be involved in the peace process.”
This trade mission is part of the Commerce Department’s ongoing commitment to support the Northern Ireland peace process by creating new economic opportunities. During the last three and a half years, the department has promoted commercial initiatives through international trade and investment conferences, three business development missions to the region from 1995-1997, and other programs.
“Opportunities for trade and investment will come from peace,” Daley said. “Trade and investment will support peace. Peace and economic stability go hand in hand.”
Daley will promote U.S. business development interests through partnerships between U.S. firms and companies from Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. During the mission, he will advocate for U.S. business interests and advance commercial policy objectives.
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Companies interested in participating in the mission should contact the Office of Business Liaison at (202) 482-1360. Information on Commerce Department trade missions is available at: http://www.ita.doc.gov/doctm/doctm.html.