The hearing, before the House Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight, and to be chaired by Rep. Bill Delahunt from Massachusetts, will be held in Room 2172, Rayburn House Office Building on Thursday, Oct. 22, at 10 a.m.
The hearing will be unusual in that the main witness will be Raymond McCord Sr., a Protestant from Belfast whose son, Raymond Jr., was murdered in 1997 by loyalists.
“All Irish-American groups worth their salt should attend,” said Fr. Sean McManus, who has been supporting McCord in his effort to secure justice for his son.
“And not just organizations but individuals who have claimed an interest in equality, justice and peace in Ireland. It is vital that Irish Americans demonstrate that they are interested not just in Catholic victims of collusion, but in Protestant victims as well,” he said.
Congressman Delahunt, said McManus, deserved great credit for scheduling the hearing.
“Raymond McCord Sr. is one of the true heroes of the Northern Ireland Troubles. He is the Protestant Pat Finucane. This hearing is the crowning achievement of his 12-year, relentless, and extraordinarily brave, campaign,” said McManus.