In addition to being the only major network with its own punctuation mark built right in — you missed your chance there, Mr. Murdoch — the channel never wastes time on trivia. Iraq? Earthquake? Recession? The E!xictable network prefers to toss those babies to MSNBC. This gives them more time for Anna Nicole Smith’s diet tips and “Baywatch: Behind the Jiggle.”
This week’s fun news tidbit, gleaned from the channel’s “Celebrity Perks” show, features “007” star Pierce Brosnan and his interaction with bartenders the world over. The actor told E! that whenever he goes into a pub, the person behind the bar almost always offers him a martini — shaken, not stirred. Of course. But Pierce differs from his finicky screen alter ego in his choice of beverages. “I just tell them to give me a beer,” he laughed. Preferably one that’s unshaken.