It seems that the object of the lush-lipped siren?s affection has been another ?Alexander? costar: American actor Jared Leto, who plays (stay with me here) the love interest of Colin?s warrior-type character.
Leto, who fronts a rock band called 30 Seconds from Mars when he?s not pouting in front of the camera, is best known as the former squeeze of actress Cameron Diaz, who, as you will recall, is the current squeeze of singer and wardrobe malfunction-activist Justin Timberlake, who is the former boyfriend of pop flirt Britney Spears, who has occasionally dated Colin Farrell, which brings the whole relationship thing full circle . . .
U2 hasn?t found what its looking for — from the Irish courts, anyway. Last year, the band challenged the Dublin Docklands Development Authority?s plans to demolish their Hanover Quay recording studio as part of a $2 billion refurbishment project. Their request was denied, and the group immediately accepted the DDDA?s offer of a new studio to be constructed in the same area. But legal challenges — particularly failed ones — cost big bucks. U2 filed a claim asking that the DDDA cover their out-of-pocket expenses. The ruling authority, An Bord Pleanala, reviewed the case and said — in legal parlance — nuh-uhh.
Elsehere in U2 land, the good news is that the band made the list of the 50 biggest-selling artists in the UK, based on singles sales over the last 50 years. The bad news is that they made it to only No. 47 on the list. The Irish band has sold 4,663,427 singles in Britain, which puts them behind such stellar acts as Englebert Humperdink (4,710,328) Adam Ant (5,296,965), Shakin Stevens (7,108,330) and Kylie Minogue (7,994,130). Top man on the list is none other than the inexplicably popular Cliff (Call Me Sir, Damn It!) Richards, who has moved a whopping 20,969,006 units of musical genius. Or something.