Of course, sweet baby James is only 2 months old, so he doesn’t have much say in the matter — unlike his old man, actor Colin Farrell, who’s been known to enjoy a bevvy or six in his time.
James and his mom, American model Kim Bordenave, flew to Dublin to enjoy a bit of bonding with the Dublin branch of the clan. Kim and Jim stayed with Colin’s mom, Rita, as members of the extended family came to ooh and ahh over the little guy. Colin was on hand to play proud pop, but we haven’t heard if he’s pitching in for the 2 a.m. feedings or doing diaper patrol.
In more Colin news, we hear that the actor was denied admission to a swanky Dublin nightclub, Annabel’s, thanks to his grotty jeans. The doorman apparently turned a quare eye on this particular straight guy.
“[His outfit was] against our dress code,” a spokesperson told the Sunday World. “But [Colin] was very gracious about changing into more appropriate trousers.” Hey, given the boy’s reputation, they should count themselves lucky he wore any trousers at all.