The High Court Inspectors named 190 people and companies with connections to Ansbacher but stressed that a finding that a particular person is a client of Ansbacher is not to be taken as a finding that a person has evaded tax.
In a caveat to the report, the inspectors said that people identified as clients did not necessarily have deposits with Ansbacher.
“Some such persons simply borrowed money from Ansbacher in the ordinary course of business, a transaction giving rise to no tax liability whatsoever. Others again established trusts to which they never transferred any assets,” the report said.
Here is the list:
Category A: List of persons who beneficially owned funds in Ansbacher
1. Mr. Roger P. Ballagh, Dublin solicitor whose fees ended up in Ansbacher. Inspectors accept he was not aware of it.
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2. Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Barrett, Warwickshire, England, denies knowledge of account.
3. Mr. John Barrett (deceased) formerly of London.
4. Mr. Jesus Barrios and Mrs. Maria Barrios, formerly of Florida, were under investigation for drug offences.
5. Mr. Anthony Barry, former chairman of CRH, set up trusts for his children.
6. Sir John Derek Birkin, retired British industrialist.
7. Captain R.G. Bryce, Dublin, lived in Thailand in the 1970s.
8. Mr. John Byrne, property developer in Ireland and Britain.
9. Mr. Patrick Carty and Mrs. Beatrice Carty, Dublin business couple.
10. Mr. DHA Cecil (deceased), British pub owner.
11. Mr. Ronald Chambers, retired managing director.
12. Mr. Samuel Clarke (deceased) director of Crampton Housing.
13. Mr. Henry J Cleeve, Kilkenny-based, inherited money from a Canadian aunt.
14. Mr. P.J. Clonan, property developer with no knowledge of where his funds were placed.
15. Mr. Kevin Collery (deceased) and Mrs. Kathleen Collery, parents of Padraig.
16. Mr. Padraig Collery worked with Traynor and was Ansbacher representative after his death.
17. Mr. Cornelius Collins, managing director of Cork travel firm, opened account on financial advice.
18. Dr Patrick Finbarr Collins, retired doctor and company director.
19. Lady Carole Conyngham, lives in Scotland.
20. Mr. Hugh Coveney (deceased) former Cork Fine Gael TD.
21. Mr. George Crampton, former chairman and managing director of building company.
22. Captain W.R. Cuffe-Smith (deceased), former Aer Lingus pilot.
23. Mr. James P. Culliton, former chief executive of CRH and chairman of the RTE Authority.
24. Dr. Michael Dargan, former chairman CRH, Aer Lingus director and Bank of Ireland board member.
25. Mr. Brian Dennis, partly retired, director of HB Dennis Motors.
26. Mr. Charles T.G. Dillon (deceased), prominent businessman.
27. Mr. Terence D.E. Dixon, Dublin solicitor whose fees ended up in Ansbacher. Inspectors accept he was not aware of it.
28. Mr. David Doyle, son of hotelier PV Doyle.
29. Mr. P. Vincent Doyle (deceased), former builder and Doyle Hotels boss.
30. Mrs. Helen Downes, bank employee.
31. Mr. James Durkin, of Sussex, England, who worked in building trade.
32. Mr. James Sidney East (deceased), former director Crampton Housing.
33. Mr. Francis Augustine Eastwood (deceased), Belfast scrap dealer.
34. Mr. Stephen Enoch, lives in Spain but denies being tax resident in any country since 1990.
35. Mr. Victor Enoch, involved in property now lives in Spain.
36. Mr. Bernard Etzin, U.S. citizen living in London, former managing director of Brother Ireland.
37. Mr. Sam Field-Corbett, associate of Traynor.
38. Mr. John Finnegan, Dublin estate agent.
39. Mr. Desmond G. Fitzgerald (deceased), formerly of Surrey, England.
40. Mrs. Eileen M. Fitzgerald, widow of above.
41. Mr. Raymond C. Fitzgerald, Miami, Fla.
42. Ms. Marjorie Sue Fitzgibbon, American living in Dublin.
43. Mr. Denis Foley, former Fianna Fail TD.
44. Fruit Importers of Ireland Limited.
45. Mr. Arthur Gibney, Dublin architect.
46. Mr. Francis P. Glennon (deceased), Irish insurance businessman.
47. Mr. Paul Goode, involved in racehorses, lives in France.
48. Mr. Christopher Goosen, founder of Super Ser company which he subsequently sold.
49. Ms. Clare Griffin, partner of Francis Glennon.
50. Mr. James Griffin Jr., formerly of Miami, Fa.
51. Mrs. Jennifer Guinness, widow of banker John.
52. Mr. John Guinness (deceased), former chairman of Guinness & Mahon (G&M) bank.
53. Mr. Frank Hall, “appears” to be UK resident.
54. Mr. Charles J. Haughey, former taoiseach.
55. Mr. Gerald Hickey (deceased), former solicitor, director of CRH.
56. Mr. Jorge Hine and Mrs. Margo Hine, U.S. residents.
57. Mr. Denis A. Jackson, Dublin dentist, at all relevant times non-resident.
58. Mr. Thomas Jackson, director of Monarch Properties.
59. Jamila Pty Ltd.
60. Mr. William Kearney (deceased), Cork obstetrician.
61. Mr. John Kennedy, director Sheelin Homes building firm.
62. Dr. Colm Killeen, GP and neighbor of James Desmond Traynor (deceased), accountant and main architect of Ansbacher with substantial deposits.
63. Mr. Richard Lawes, (deceased) business of Kent, England.
64. Mr. Frank Lee, company secretary of Westboro Investments, Cork.
65. Mr. Michael Leyden (deceased) and Mrs. Dorothy Leyden, of British farm company.
66. Mr. James Henry Lindsay, former director of Super Ser.
67. Mr. Joseph Clayton Love Jr., property developer and former G&M director.
68. Mr. Bryan Lynam, son of Edward.
69. Mr. Edward Lynam, Dublin property developer.
70. Ms. Eileen Lynam, daughter of James.
71. Mr. James Lynam, (deceased) a partner of brother Edward.
72. Ms. Mary Lynam, daughter of James.
73. Ms. Hedli MacNeice (deceased), former wife of poet Louis.
74. Ms. Mary Meagher, a Dublin architect and widow of Patrick McCarroll.
75. Mr. Patrick McCarroll (deceased), architect.
76. Mr. Liam McGonagle (deceased), Dublin solicitor.
77. Mr. Sean McKeon, property developer who has settled his tax bill.
78. Mr. Thomas J McLaughlin (deceased), a Dublin businessman.
79. Mr. Patrick McNamee, former deputy chief executive of Fyffes.
80. Ms. Susan Sheridan Mack, Florida, inherited from father.
81. Ms. Mary Maher (nee Lynam), daughter of Edward.
82. Sir George Mahon (deceased), former director G&M.
83. Mr. Alexander H. Major, New York address, whereabouts unknown.
84. Ms. Augustina Russek de Malamud, California, replaced Isaac.
85. Mr. Carlos David Malamud, California businessman.
86. Mr. German Malamud, California, businessman.
87. Mr. Isaac Carlos Malamud, California businessman replaced by Augustina.
88. Mr. Joseph Malone, now U.S. resident.
89. Mr. Ronald Markham and Ms.. Jean Peterson, Florida based.
90. Mr. John A. Masek, Colorado businessman.
91. Mr. Basil Mawdsley, British businessman.
92. Prof. Anthony J. Merrett, New York, New Jersey and Limerick.
93. Mr. Geoffrey Miller, director G.B. Miller & Son.
94. Mr. Jerome Morris, director of civil engineering firm.
95. Mr. Joseph Morris, see above.
96. Mr. Martin Morris (deceased), see above.
97. Mr. Stephen Morris, see above.
98. Mr. Thomas Morris, see above.
99. Mr. John Mulhern, businessman and son-in-law of Charles Haughey.
100. Mr. James Murray (deceased), County Meath.
101. Mr. William Navan Sr. (deceased), County Armagh.
102. Mr. Maurice Neligan and Dr. Patricia Neligan, heart surgeon, money moved to Ansbacher without their knowledge.
103. Mr. Olivier Nicol, France, involved in racehorses.
104. Mr. Michael J O’Keeffe (deceased), accountant and banker.
105. Mr. Maurice O’Kelly, former joint managing director of G&M.
106. O’Reilly ‘rlod (Ireland) Ltd.
107. Mr. Dermot O’Reilly-Hyland (deceased), County Wicklow, brother of Ken.
108. Mr. Ken O’Reilly-Hyland, retired businessman, former director, Central Bank.
109. Mr. Michael O’Shea, Dublin solicitor whose fees ended up in Ansbacher. Inspectors accept he was not aware of it.
110. Mr. John Oppermann and Mrs. Eileen Oppermann, former restaurateurs.
111. Pettit International Ltd.
112. Dr. Michael Phelan, of London.
113. Ms. Marily Power, part owner of Meath stud, account held U.S. assets.
114. Mr. Fernando Pruna and Mrs. Eudelia Pruna, formerly Miami, under investigation for drug-related offences.
115. Mr. Seamus Purcell, livestock exporter.
116. Mr. Diarmuid Quirke (deceased), former CRH director.
117. Mr. Jeremy Robson, “appears” to have been UK based.
118. Mrs. Sonia Rogers, widow of Tim says she did no know where money was invested.
119. Capt. Tim Rogers (deceased), former stud farm owner.
120. Mr. John Savoy, appears to be Florida resident.
121. Schwartz Management Company based in Delaware.
122. Mr. Joseph Seeley, Irish businessman.
123. Mr. Sidney Seymour (deceased), former director GT Crampton.
124. Mrs. Nora Shanahan, London, no cooperation.
125. Mr. Michael Shanley, hotelier and director of Irish companies.
126. Mr. John D. Sheridan (deceased), father of Susan Sheridan Mack.
127. Mr. Jack Stakelum, accountant and associate of Traynor.
128. Mr. Sam Stephenson, architect and property developer, said he had no knowledge of trust being set up.
129. Super Ser Ltd., inspectors stress that any company bearing the same or similar name has no connection with Ansbacher.
130. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tamburo, Florida.
131. Mr. Kazuaki Tazaki, came from Japan to be director of Brother, now lives in England.
132. Ms. Carmel Traynor, sister of Traynor who may have been unaware of account.
133. Mr. James Desmond Traynor (deceased), accountant and main architect of Ansbacher with substantial deposits.
134. Mr. Joseph Turley, director Rathdown Motors, denies any connection with Ansbacher.
135. Mr. Martin Turley, California, uncooperative.
136. Sir Charles Villiers (deceased), former director G&M.
137. Dr Oliver Waldron, London, maintains assets were acquired abroad.
138. Mr. Joseph Walsh, former managing director of Kilkenny firm.
139. Mr. Ivan Webb (deceased), former managing director of G&C Crampton.
140. Ms. Joan Williams, Traynor’s former secretary.
141. Mr. Robert Willis, former CRH Irish Life director.
142. Mr. Robert Wilson, Northern Irish businessman who has been tax resident abroad since 1985.
143. Wilson Bishop Tolley and Co. Pty, Australian company.
144. Mr. Adolf Franz (Burschi) Wojnar (deceased), Dublin businessman.
145. Mr. Richard Wood, former director of CRH and Irish Times.
146. Mr. Christopher Woodward, British-based former G&M employee.
147. Mr. Ronald Warren Woss, Australia-based businessman and friend of Traynor.
Category B: List of persons who were clients of Ansbacher through College Trustees.
1. Mr. Douglas Armstrong, Dublin businessman.
2. Blue Jeans Limited and J.B. Agencies Limited.
3. Mr. Ray Carroll, former chief executive of car hire company.
4. Mr. Liam Cassidy, former director Cassidy Silks who is “adamant” he has no Ansbacher connection.
5. College Trustees, Guernsey based G&M company.
6. Mr. Tom Conaty, director of Belfast fruit company.
7. Mr. Stephen Daly (deceased), teacher involved in charter flights to U.S.
8. Mr. William Forwood and Mrs. Joyce Forwood, solicitor and former co-managing director of G&M.
9. Mr. Ronald T. Fredette, had an address in Connecticut.
10. Mr. Colm Hyland, director GB Miller.
11. Mr. Denis McCarthy, former managing director of Odearest mattress company and senior steward of the Turf Club, who does not remember signing Ansbacher documents.
12. Mr. Harold F. Murray, founder of Murray car rental firm.
13. Mr. Brian Rhatigan, management consultant who denies any Ansbacher involvement.
Category C: List of persons who were clients of Ansbacher through Mr. Jack Stakelum.
1. Mrs. Margaret Clifford, widow of William, closed account.
2. Mr. Thomas Clifford, Kerry company director.
3. Mr. William Clifford (deceased), Kerry company director.
4. Ms. Olga Gray, South Africa, may not have known where money was deposited.
5. Mr. Gerard Keane, paint and wallpaper business owner, who said he did not know where money was held.
6. Mr. Austin C. Murray, architect who said he did not known he had money in the Cayman Islands.
7. Mr. William Quinn and Mrs. Eileen Veronica Quinn (both deceased), Dublin, may have known where money was deposited.
8. Dr. Tom Tiernan, Dublin, had no knowledge of where deposits held.
9. Mr. Patrick Tolan, Dublin, had no knowledge of where his untaxed money was held.
Category D: List of persons whose sole involvement was the establishment of Ansbacher trusts to which they never transferred any assets.
1. Mr. Neil McCann, director of Fyffes. Inspectors accept no assets transferred to trust.
2. Mr. Philip Monahan, Dublin property developer. Inspectors accept no assets transferred to trust.
3. Mr. Alex Spain, former partner KPMG. Inspectors accept no assets transferred to trust.
Category E (i): List of persons to whom Ansbacher provided a service or loans in the ordinary course of business.
1. Mr. Vincent Ferguson, former director of Fitzwilton.
2. Mr. James McCarthy, former chief executive of Dockrells hardware.
3. Celtic Helicopters, Charles Haughey’s son Ciaran is one of two directors. No evidence they owned assets that backed loans.
4. Colm McLoughlin, resident of Dubai.
Category E (ii): List of person(s) provided with an Ansbacher company for the purpose of purchasing property.
1. Ms. Barbara Breen, managing director of nutrition company.
Category E (iii): List of persons who owned Ansbacher-managed companies that were potential beneficiaries of the Lynbrette Trust.
1. Mr. Francis Boland, chairman of Port of Cork company.
2. Mr. Patrick J. Dineen, Cork company director and former chairman of Bord na Mona.