A report published by the University of Ulster, however, has found that Protestants regard the city council as biased towards nationalists and they are uncomfortable in some areas of the city center.
The Protestant population is stabilizing, it says, but there is evidence of increased segregation of Protestants and Catholics, even on the eastern side of the River Foyle.
There is also a strong sense of political and cultural decline within the Protestant community, it says, although the majority who work in predominantly Catholic workplaces stated that they had no problems doing so.
The researchers found there was a widespread perception among Protestants that Derry City Council is working to a nationalist agenda that is biased against the Protestant population.
The report makes a number of recommendations including promoting community-led regeneration; improving mobility within the city; the development of inclusive and non-threatening civic spaces and greater efforts among voluntary groups, politicians, and statutory bodies to include and involve those who feel alienated.