Focus On What’s Important
It is much too easy to get into a situation where you feel stressed and under pressure, but then begin to waste time by worrying about all the things you have to do. Worrying is a waste of energy as well as time. Determine what is the most urgent thing you have to do, and do it.
Delegate And Trust Colleagues
It is vital to learn how to delegate tasks to other colleagues. But it is also important that, once you have delegated, you don’t try to micromanage. You need to trust your co-workers and learn that they will get the job done, even if their styles of work are different from yours.
Finish Tasks
Don’t get into a situation where lots of tasks are all half-done, yet still commanding space in your head. Instead, try to see each thing through to its conclusion. There will always be some overlapping of work commitments – but getting into the habit of finishing jobs will pay rich dividends.