That’s right. Another generation of Irish immigrants will put their shoulders to the golden door today in the hope that the hinges too are made of that precious metal and haven’t turned completely rusty.
As they go about their business in the long corridors of the House and Senate office buildings, the foot soldiers of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform will not fail to be impressed.
For one thing, they will savor the access enjoyed by those who live in a free society.
And they will sue it to the best effect possible.
Some of the doors they turn up at will be ajar. Some will be closed.
Behind some there will be smiling faces, behind others there will be furrowed brows.
Some legislators won’t be in at all.
But with each and every knock the t-shirted battalions will bring reminders that our nation and its freedoms are in significant part due to the shedding of Irish sweat and blood in times of peace and war, lean and plenty.
Granted, there appears to be little room for sentiment or sympathy in the current Congress.
And yes, the immigration situation is bordering on the chaotic and securing the borders is a national priority.
But by their presence, their effort, their step-by-step ambulation through the polished halls, the members of the 109th congress will be reminded in no uncertain terms by these Irish immigrants that the day has not yet come when the Irish part of America is ready to sit down and fade into history.
Good luck to all in Washington today.