Category: Archive

Egan’s grand moment

February 16, 2011

By Staff Reporter

By Ray O’Hanlon

Cardinal Edward Egan will accept the grand marshal’s sash for this year’s New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade at an installation ceremony next week.

Cardinal Egan, who will lead the 241st consecutive parade up Fifth Avenue on Saturday, March 16, will be installed at a ceremony in the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan on Tuesday, Jan. 29. Egan will succeed labor leader Edward Malloy.

The installation ceremony will come against the backdrop of an ongoing investigation into parade finances by the New York State Attorney General’s office.

A spokesman for the AG’s office declined to comment Tuesday on the present status of the investigation.

“We don’t comment on any of our investigations,” the spokesman said.

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Cardinal Egan will lead a parade that is being dedicated to the heroes of Sept. 11.

Parade organizers are hoping to have former mayor Rudy Giuliani, former police commissioner Bernard Kerik and ex-fire commissioner Thomas Von Essen march in the event.

Meanwhile, Mayor Mike Bloomberg is also expected to take part despite the continued refusal of parade organizers to allow the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization march under its own banner.

“Despite rumors to the contrary, Mayor Mike Bloomberg will march,” said Bloomberg’s liaison to the city’s Irish community, Adrian Flannelly.

Cork wins bigs

A former Cork county footballer has secured a million dollar settlement after being knocked down by a car on a notorious Queens street.

Fintan McIntyre, was struck by the car as he was crossing Queens Boulevard and 44th Street on Jan. 30, 2001. He suffered severe injuries to his leg and pelvis and underwent two months of hospital treatment. He later returned to Ireland, where he received further treatment.

McIntyre sued in New York Supreme Court and recently secured a $1.1 million settlement, according to his attorneys, Frank Durkan and Chris Downes of O’Dwyer and Bernstien.

McIntyre, an accountant who played for the New York Cork Gaelic football team in the 1970s, is presently living in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. He and his wide, Bridget, are planning a move in the near future to Naples, Florida where Bridget plans to resume her nursing career.

Meath man wins suit

Jackie the carriage horse wasn’t so lucky. But Meath native Stephen Hand made sure that his death would not go unpunished.

On a January evening three years ago, Jackie was pulling a hansom cab along East 59th Street in Manhattan. Hand was holding his reins when Jackie suddenly collapsed.

Hand was thrown to the street but apart from a cut over his left eye was not seriously injured. But when Hand attempted to rouse Jackie, he felt an electric shock running through his body. An NYPD officer suffered a similar jolt.

Luckless Jackie, it turned out, had stepped on a Con Edison manhole that had become electrified due to faulty wiring underneath. Jackie’s metal horse shoes had sealed his fate.

Hand, together with Jackie’s owner, sued in State Supreme Court. Their attorneys, O’Dwyer and Bernstein, last week announced a successful result.

The owner, John Michnej, won $30,000 for the loss of Jackie, while Hand received $11,000 in compensation for his injuries.

Save money, apply now

Anyone eligible for U.S. citizenship should apply now and save money, according to the Emerald Isle Immigration Center.

Citizenship fees are set to rise on Feb. 19 when the Immigration and Naturalization Service slaps a 17 percent increase on various services. A citizenship application will go up from $225 to $260, while the fingerprinting fee will double to $50. A new citizenship application form is also in use since the beginning of the year.

Emerald Isle is offering free advice to anyone intent on seeking naturalization and can be contacted at (718) 478-5502 in Queens or (718) 324-3039 in the Bronx.

Good move by George

The Irish American Republicans lobby group has welcomed the Bush administration’s decision to add five groups in Northern Ireland to its list of active terrorist organizations.

“This action is important because it will freeze the assets of these terrorists and those who support them,” said J. Brian McCarthy, IAR’s Chairman.

“This is yet another example of President Bush’s commitment to the Irish peace process,” McCarthy said.

The five organizations newly listed are the Loyalist Volunteer Force, the Orange Volunteers, the Red Hand Defenders, the Ulster Defense Association/Ulster Freedom Fighters and the Continuity IRA.

“The fact that the loyalist LVF and the UDA have been added to the list is particularly significant,” said IAR’s executive director, Grant Lally.

“The UDA is responsible for more than 200 bombings and more than a dozen murders in the past two years and the LVF murdered journalist Martin O’Hagen. President Bush is the first president to move against these loyalist terrorist groups,” Lally added.

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