The promotion by Bord Iascaigh Mhara, the Irish Sea Fisheries Board (, saw European shoppers sampling Irish seafood in supermarkets in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg and Greece on St. Patrick’s Day.
European markets account for 76 percent of Irish seafood exports, which totaled euro 436 million in 2002.
France is Ireland’s largest export market for seafood, valued at a record euro 100 million last year.
Shellfish, white fish and of course, salmon, are the most popular Irish seafood products in Europe.
Companies participating in the promotion included the Irish Seafood Producer Group, Kenmare Salmon, Errigal Fish, Bells Isle Seafood, Glenmar Fish, Clogherhead Fishermen’s Co-op, Connemara Seafoods, Dunn’s Seafare, Irish Seaspray, Eagle Isle Seafoods and Aran Salmon.