The Emerald Society of the Queens Private Bus Lines, Inc., will hold its first benefit golf outing on Sept. 26, with tee off at noon, at the Douglaston Golf Course.
The price per golfer will be $90, which includes golf, golf cart, beverage and hot dog at the turn. All golfers will receive prizes at the course and prizes at the awards buffet afterwards. After golfing there will be a three-hour open bar and hot buffet at the Joyce Kilmer Knights of Columbus, 35-79 160th Street, Flushing. There will be a 50-50 drawing at the awards dinner. Non-golfers are welcome to attend the open bar and buffet for $20. There will be trophies presented for low net, low gross, closest to the pin and for longest drive.
Hole sponsors’ names will appear on a sign at the tee and proceeds will be donated to Calvary Hospice. Hole sponsorship costs $100, half a hole is $50. There will also be raffle with 200 chances sold at $5 each. For information, call Mike Scally at (718) 886-9713 or Eugene Wynne at (516) 698-8169.
Irish Way Outing
The Irish American Cultural Institute’s Second Annual Irish Way Golf Outing wiil be held on Monday, Oct. 5, at Rock Spring Country Club in West Orange, N.J.
The price per golfer is $200 and the day’s program includes gifts, barbecue lunch, greens fee, golf cart, cocktails, awards, dinner, and prizes.
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All contributions will benefit the Irish Way: the Irish American Cultural Institute’s five week summer program for American high school students to tour and study in Ireland.
Tournament, awards dinner, lunch, refreshment cart, and hole sponsorships are available for from $500-$5,000. For information, call the Irish American Cultural Institute at (973) 605-1991.