So we’re happy to report that Maria Kennedy Shriver’s Austrian-born husband has topped Odeon Cinemas’ list of the most memorable movie “parting shots,” or last lines.
Ah-nold made the list twice, coming in at No. 1 for “I’ll be back!” from “The Terminator” (1984) and at No. 4 for “Hasta la vista, baby!” from “Terminator 2” (1991). Other memorable lines include second place winner, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a drat” (or whatever), from “Gone With the Wind” (1939) and, at lucky No. 7, “Goodbye, Mr. Bond” from “Goldfinger” (1964). We’re still trying to figure out how Brad Pitt’s immortal “You don’t unnerstan’ tha sichy-ayshun” in that cute Irish accent he adopted for “The Devil’s Own” (1997) didn’t make the cut. Obviously, there’s no accounting for taste. And the voters were probably all guys.