Quiz Questions
1. Which famous actress/singer’s original name is Cherilyn Sarkisian?
2. Which island is the most northerly, Jamaica or Trinidad?
3. Which country’s king is named Carl Gustav?
4. Which of the planets has an average surface temperature of 870 degrees Fahrenheit?
5. Cahore Point is on the coast of which Irish county?
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6. Is loosestrife a kind of flowering plant, a poisonous liquid or an item of clothing commonly worn in the 16th Century?
7. Han is the name of the main ethnic group in which country?
8. What is the capital of Kentucky?
9. If Ireland was turned upside down, which county would stretch farthest south?
10. The religious feast of Michaelmas falls in which month?
Quiz Answers
1. Cher; 2. Jamaica; 3. Sweden; 4. Venus; 5. Wexford; 6. Plant; 7. China; 8. Frankfort; 9. Donegal; 10. September