1. Who wrote the novel "Brideshead Revisited"?
2. Which president was also the first commander in chief of the U.S. military?
3. What is the capital of Ghana?
4. Accipiter is the Latin name for birds of prey more commonly known what?
5.What northwestern French city is famous for its 24-hour motor race?
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6. Are Siamese are short or long-haired cats?
7. Is music played adagio played slowly or quickly?
8. What is the outer covering of corn called?
9. Matelot is a slang term for what?
10. True or false, greengage is a kind of vegetable?
Quiz Answers
1. Evelyn Waugh; 2. George Washington; 3. Accra; 4. Hawks; 5. Le Mans; 6. Short; 7. Slowly; 8. Shuck; 9. Sailor; 10. False (it’s a variety of plum).