Special guest and Honoree: Chancellor Marty Meehan, UMass Lowell
Guest of Honor: Sir Reg Empey, Northern Ireland Minister for Employment and Learning
Honorees: Tim Cahill, Treasurer State of Massachusetts, Jim O’Brien, Chairman Emeritus of ICCUSA New England, Joseph F. Leary Jr., President Irish American Partnership, John Hynes III, CEO Gale International, Professor Anne Donnellon, Babson College, Dropkick Murphys, Peggy Cloherty, Cumann na Gaeilge, Boston, Ed Forry, Publisher of Boston Irish Reporter, The Irish Cultural Centre of New England/ICONS
Tickets for the event are $55 per person. Table of ten $500.
RSVP: Madeline O’Boyle at (212) 482-4818 Ext. 123 or moboyle@irishecho.com
Dear Friend,
The Irish Echo is hosting its annual Golden Bridges Awards luncheon in Boston’s splendid JFK Library and Presidential Museum on Wednesday, October 1.
We are recognizing some of Boston’s finest Irish Americans who come from the world of business, culture and community development – most of whom you will know for their longstanding commitment to Irish America and Ireland.
Our Guest of Honor at the event will be Sir Reg Empey, Minister for Employment and Learning in the powersharing government in the New Northern Ireland and also leader of the Ulster Unionist Party. As efforts are stepped up to cement the peace process into a prosperity and reconciliation process – benefiting those communities which suffered most during the years of conflict – we feel it’s timely for Irish America to extend the hand of friendship to the head of the Ulster Unionist Party at this event.
We’re also pleased that former Congressman Marty Meehan, now Chancellor at UMass Lowell, will join us as Special Guest and Honoree to make a special announcement about a new partnership between UMass Lowell and Queen’s University Belfast.
We hope you’ll agree this is a red letter day for Boston and will join Irish America’s oldest newspaper in saluting these champions of Irish America and
welcoming Minister Empey to Boston.
Tickets for the luncheon are competitively priced at $55 with tables of ten
for $500. Larger sponsorship packages to include advertisements in our special Irish Echo supplement are also available. For details, contact Mair