Category: Archive

Lest we forget

February 17, 2011

By Staff Reporter

No matter the individual’s point of view on partition, it’s a fair assumption that most people who take an interest would take the view that the border has done little actual good for the island of Ireland.
Indeed, it has been the cause of all too much grief, bloodshed and wasted opportunity.
Borders that are imposed by third parties invariably provoke a response from the people they divide. In the case of Ireland, that response has varied sharply, from violence to indifference.
It’s is a good thing for sure that the violent response is now almost entirely consigned to the past.
But it’s not such a good thing that people turn their back on the reality of a line that still winds its way across the Irish countryside, invisible to the eye perhaps, yet all too real in the daily life of those who live close to it, and indeed far from it.
It will be fascinating to hear how people now perceive this frontier at the gatherings slated for New York and San Francisco, and it is to be hoped that both events will provide opportunities for an airing of as many points of view as this transcendent Irish and international issue rightly inspires and demands.

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