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Minor Board hosts tournament

February 16, 2011

By Staff Reporter

The New York Minor Board will host the East Coast Tournament Saturday with teams from Philadelphia, Boston and New York.

Here the lineup:

Noon, Philly vs. Rangers, U10, Field 1; Noon, Philly vs. Rockland, U14, Field 2; 12:40, Philly v.s Rockland, U12, Field 1; 1:20, Philly vs. Celtics, U10, Field 1; 1:20, Philly vs. St. Raymond’s, U14, Field 2; 2 p.m., Philly vs. Rangers, U12, Field 1; 2 p.m., Boston vs. Rockland, U14, Field 2; 2:40, Boston vs. Rangers, U10, Field 1; 2:40, Boston vs. Rockland, U12, Field 2; 3:20, Boston vs. St. Raymond’s, U14, Field 1; 3:20, Boston vs. Celtics U10, Field 2; 4 p.m., Boston vs. Rangers, U12, Field 2; 4 p.m., Philly vs. Boston, U14, Field 2; 4:40, Rangers vs. Celtics, U10, Field 1; 4:40, Rockland vs. St. Raymond’s, U14, Field 2; 5:10, Philly vs. Boston, U10, Field 1; 5:10, Rockland vs. Rangers, U12, Field 1; 5:50, Philly vs. Boston, U12, Field 1.

Top two teams in each division will contest the three finals on Sunday at Paddy’s Field, plus the consolation games.

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