The New York Minor Board will host the East Coast Tournament Saturday with teams from Philadelphia, Boston and New York.
Here the lineup:
Noon, Philly vs. Rangers, U10, Field 1; Noon, Philly vs. Rockland, U14, Field 2; 12:40, Philly v.s Rockland, U12, Field 1; 1:20, Philly vs. Celtics, U10, Field 1; 1:20, Philly vs. St. Raymond’s, U14, Field 2; 2 p.m., Philly vs. Rangers, U12, Field 1; 2 p.m., Boston vs. Rockland, U14, Field 2; 2:40, Boston vs. Rangers, U10, Field 1; 2:40, Boston vs. Rockland, U12, Field 2; 3:20, Boston vs. St. Raymond’s, U14, Field 1; 3:20, Boston vs. Celtics U10, Field 2; 4 p.m., Boston vs. Rangers, U12, Field 2; 4 p.m., Philly vs. Boston, U14, Field 2; 4:40, Rangers vs. Celtics, U10, Field 1; 4:40, Rockland vs. St. Raymond’s, U14, Field 2; 5:10, Philly vs. Boston, U10, Field 1; 5:10, Rockland vs. Rangers, U12, Field 1; 5:50, Philly vs. Boston, U12, Field 1.
Top two teams in each division will contest the three finals on Sunday at Paddy’s Field, plus the consolation games.