Of the eight quarterfinals contested in Paddy’s Field at the weekend, St. Joseph’s 4-4 to 2-8 victory over Celtics in U-12 stood out as the best.
In the first half, Celtics were cruising with an 0-5 to 0-1 lead, but in a span of two minutes Rory Gourley and Anthony Hassett crashed two goals to the net for St. Joseph’s, putting them ahead at halftime.
In the second half, Allison Traynor, Kieran Patton, C.J. Molloy (0-4) and Rory Cregan took control for Celtics. A great four-player St. Joseph’s movement out of defense was started by Chris Fitzsimmons, then to Colleen Hickey, Mike Ruane, finally, John Power, who weaved his way around two defenders before planting the ball in the net. Anthony Hassett followed with 1-1 and John Power a point for 4-4 to 0-8 lead with five minutes to go.
Now it was Celtics turn, led by C.J. Molloy, Brian Curley and Shane O’Connor, who spotted Philip Craig in space. The big full forward made no mistake, crashing the ball to the net. C.J. Molloy fielded the kickout, transferred the ball to Allison Traynor, who made a perfect pass to Karl McGovern, who passed it to Philip Craig, who got his second major.
With just two points between them, Celtics bombarded the St. Joseph’s goalmouth, but St. Joseph’s held out to advance to the semifinals.
Celtics 4-4, Rangers 4-2
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This U-14 contest highlighted some of the big challenges facing many of the clubs, with players being unavailable due to another commitments.
Tara McArdle, Kate Hochman, Conor McKeon 1-0, Patrick Traynor 2-0, C.J. Molloy 0-2, Chris Colleran 1-2 and Rory Creggan 0-2 all excelled for Celtics. Catching the eye for Rangers were Pat Berna, Eamon Nugent, Kevin Cullinan 0-2, Lorcan Malone 1-1, Justin Murray 2-1, Sean Twomey 1-1, Killian Brady and Martin Cassels.
Celtics 3-4, Rockland 0-5
On Sunday morning, Celtics brushed aside Rockland at U-10. The Tierney boys, Daniel scoring 1-3 and Eamon 0-1, had a huge impact on this game. Kelly McArdle 2-1, Thomas Brady, Brian Curley, Brendan Guernia, Padraig Kyne and Michael Lang also played well. Rockland’s best were Mike Prendergast, Dillon Maye, Tom McNamara, Patrick Keane, Declan White and Pat Troy.
Other games
Best of the Saturday games was the St. Raymond’s-St. Joseph’s U-10, with St. Raymond’s booking a place in the semifinals with a hard-earned three point victory. St. Barnabas advanced in the U-12, U-14 and U-16 games at the expense of St. Raymond’s.
U-10, St. Raymond’s vs. Rangers; Celtics vs. St. Barnabas; U-12, St. Josephs vs. Rangers; Rockland vs. St. Barnabas; U-14, Celtics vs. St. Barnabas; U-16, St. Barnabas vs. Celtics