In conjunction with the convention the Chicago Central Divisional Board is staging gala dinner dance in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the North American County Board on Friday the 13th also at Gaelic Park. While about 70 clubs from around the country are usually represented at the AGM a larger than normal attendance is anticipated at this year’s convention because of the occasion of the board’s 50th anniversary and the central location of the events.
Given that there are few issues of controversial nature on the agenda it should not be a prolonged meeting. While 45 motions have been submitted for discussion and approval many of them pertain to the same Regulation or By-law so can be dealt with in limited time. Unlike previous years when motions pertaining to inter-county transfers and summer sanction rules, which dominated convention time, few exist on this years agenda. The subject that attracted the most number of motions is the NACB playoffs. Several motions have been submitted to change the process in which cities are selected to host the annual championship playoffs. An other area of interest seems to be team and player registration where many motions are requesting changes to some registration rules. Discussion on the subject may be curtailed if a motion from the NACB to adopt the On Line Registration System, recently developed and implemented by Croke Park, is passed by the delegates.
Concern will be raised at convention regarding to low number of nominations received for election on the county board. Compared to last year, when 26 nominations were on the ballot for various positions on the board, only 12 nominations have been submitted for elected office at this years convention.
The following nominations have been submitted for election at convention.
Honorary President
Bernie O’Reilly (Boston)
Tom Dolan (Chicago)
Joe Lydon (Boston)
Harry Costello (Chicago)
Vice Chairman
Paul McCarthy (Philadelphia)
Garret Fitzsimons (Chicago)
Liam Moloney (San Francisco)
Tim Flanagan (Buffalo)
Malachy Higgins (San Francisco)
Jim Flanagan (Buffalo)
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Mary Prendiville (Chicago)
Public Relations Officer
Eamonn Kelly (Chicago)
Peter Mc Dermott (Philadelphia)
Youth Officer
Tom Dolan (Chicago)
Ellen Joyce (Boston)
Mary Ruane (Chicago)
Central Council Delegate
Mike O’Connor (Boston)
Preceding the convention a NACB Youth Board meeting is being held at Gaelic Park on Friday, November 13th, starting at 10:00 am.
NACB 50th