And it’s safe to say that that this feeling was shared by the audience at one of MacGowan’s recent concerts.
Shane appeared at Dublin’s Olympia Theater last weekend with his band, The Pogues. According to sources, he had been drinking for hours before finally taking the stage in his wheelchair (he broke his foot a few weeks back). After a couple of numbers, MacGowan couldn’t contain his excitement — or his stomach contents — any longer. In front of a packed house of fascinated fans, the head Pogue — how can we put this delicately? — ralphed. Right there on stage. To the dismay of the band, his handlers, and, we’re sure, the maintenance crew.
Afterwards, witnesses complained about the incident on an RTE radio talk show. This prompted Shane’s buddy/nemesis Sinead O’Connor to take to the airwaves in his defense. Her remarks were far from encouraging.
“He is an angel near the end who needs support,” she scolded the fickle fans. “He’s too far gone to stop drinking.”
According to Sinead, Shane’s prognosis is not good.
“As far as I can see the end is near for him,” she said sadly.