The New York Ladies GAA All Star trials, for a place on the panel to compete in the Junior All-Ireland semifinal in September, will take place Friday, May 7, at 6:30 p.m. at Van Cortlandt Park. Philip Sheridan is once again the manager and is assisted this year by the following selectors: Mary Tuohy, Peter Brennan and Pat Meade.
Next meeting is on Tuesday, May 11, at 9 p.m. at the Riverdale Steakhouse at
Also, a referee’s seminar hosted by Mick Fitzgerald will be held on Friday, May 14, at the Riverdale Steakhouse. All club representatives and all referrees are encouraged to attend. Details, Peter Brennan at (718) 548-6744.
The New York women are putting together an underage girls football program. Details, Orla Doyle at (718) 798-3665
Westput Gaels dance
The Westput Gaels annual fund-raising dance will take place Saturday, May 8, at St. John’s Social Hall, in Mahopac, N.Y. The honorees are Gael of the Year Colman Weir and Player of the Year Phil Connolly. Music will be provided by Jimmy McPhail and the Regals. There will be a hot buffet from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Dancing from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Donation $30. Details, Owen Farrell at (914) 225-2585.
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Yonkers AOH golf
The AOH, Myles Scully Div. 1, Yonkers, will hold its first Charity Golf Outing on Wednesday, May 12, at 10 a.m. at Dunwoodie Golf Course in Yonkers. Cost is $100 per person and includes greens fees, cart, lunch, dinner and two-hour open bar. Dinner and cocktails only, $40. $20,000 prize for hole in one on 18th. Proceeds will benefit the Aisling Center in Yonkers. Hole sponsorship is available for $75 per hole. Make checks payable to AOH Div. 1 and mail to Michael Finneran, 40 Colonial Parkway North, Yonkers, NY 10710. Foursomes welcome. Details, Michael Finneran at (914) 337-5671 or Mike Morley and (914) 423-6797.
Concern 5K run/walk
The Ireland-based third world relief agency Concern Worldwide will hold a 5-kilometer run/walk on Saturday, May 8, at 10 Central Park. The race starts inside the park at East 86th Street. Registration is $15 per person or $12 per person if part of a team of five or more. Details and entry form, (212) 557-8000.
Jersey hurling update
The New Jersey Hurling Club will hold its annual dance on May 8 at the Lithuanian Catholic Center, 6 David Ave., Kearny, N.J. This year’s guest of honor is Pat Lynch. Player of the year is Finbarr Craughwell. For details, call dance chairman Pat Lynch at (973) 783-6382, secretary Kevin Corbett at (908) 259-0985 or club chairman John Slattery at (201) 439-1138.
Waterford dance
Waterford Hurling Club will hold its annual dinner dance on May 8 in Rory Dolan’s, 890 McLean Ave., Yonkers. Cocktail hour at 9 p.m. The guest of honor will be John Drislane and the Hurler of the Year is JoJo O’Sullivan. Details, Maura Bermingham at (914) 237-0145 or John Phelan at (914) 969-6481.
AOH. Div. 3
The AOH Div. 3 annual golf outing will take place May 20 starting at 7:30 a.m. in Orangetown Blue Hill. Permit holders pay $90, non-holders pay $100. Details, call John Gannon at 353-2427.
GAA nominations sought
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the reactivation of the Chicago GAA, the Chicago central board will hold a hall of fame dinner on May 22 at 7 Gaelic Park. Ten Gaels will be inducted into the Chicago GAA Hall of Fame. There will be two from each decade, starting with 1949-59, selected from nominations submitted by each affiliated club and by other Gaels who are being asked to participate. Deadline for nominations is May 1. Players and officials are eligible for selection. Details, Tommy Dolan at (708) 448-5496.
NICE golf outing
The Northern Ireland Children’s Enterprise will hold its 11th annual golf outing on June 10 at Mount Kisco Country Club. Special guest will be CBS commentator David Feherty, who will give a clinic before the tournament begins and will be the featured after-dinner speaker. Registration takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The cost is $375 per golfer. Soft spikes are required. The cocktail and dinner only is $150 per person. Details, (914) 666-6656.
Wild Geese Golf
The seventh annual Wild Geese golf outing will take place July 29 in Harris Golf Course, formerly Bruce Golf Course, 1300 King St., Greenwich, Conn. Admission is $25 for dinner only and $175 per golfer. The $175 golfer’s fee covers green fees, carts, lunch, dinner, refreshments and prizes. Earlybird special, foursomes only, save $100 by mailing checks totaling $600 by June 1 to The Wild Geese, P.O. Box 11088, Greenwich, CT 06831. Details, Kevin Garvin at (212) 701-7936 or (203) 845-0497.
Chicago Celtic
Chicago Celtic Soccer Club is looking for new experienced players for the summer season. New players must be willing to train and show up for Sunday morning games. Celtic currently plays in the Northwest suburban league. Details, call John O’Sullivan at (773) 736-5391 or Mick Kenna at (708) 361-5395.
Seeking golfers
The Tri-County Golf Club in Northern New Jersey is seeking new members for the 1999 season. Details, Mike McCormack at (973) 643-3984 or evenings at (201) 997-8914.
Aisling Center ‘robics
‘robics classes are held every Monday at 8:30 p.m. and every Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Aisling Center, 990 McLean Ave., Yonkers. For details, call (914) 237-5121 or (914) 776-7341.
Fitzpatrick golf tourney
The sixth annual Eithne Fitzpatrick Memorial Golf Tournament will take place May 17 at the Knollwood Country Club. In addition to golf and prizes, there will be lunch, cocktail reception and dinner and awards ceremony. Details, (201) 507-5132.
Mayo trip
The Mayo-New York Football Club is organizing a trip to Ireland in July 2000. Anyone interested in joining should call Pat Gavin at (914) 237-9372. The Mayo football team is back in training for 1999. New players welcome. For information, Mike Ruane at (718) 892-9810.
St. Barnabas soccer
St. Barnabas Soccer Club has resumed training for all three teams at Evander Child H.S. on Gunhill Road. With the first league games due to start in early March, training will take place on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Details, Aidan at (718) 515-7409 or John at (914) 769-0605.
Astoria Gaels
Astoria Gaels Soccer season has resumed with training every Monday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Astoria Park. Meet at McLoughlin’s this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Call Mark Bourke at (718) 937-8621 or manager Jimmy Ralph at 726-1521. also, Gaelic training has commenced every Monday and Thursday for the Astoria Gales Junior Football team. For information, call Vivion at 274-8158 or Brendan Doyle at 718-2693.
Cleveland Glasgow supporters
Watch Glasgow Celtic live each week at Flannery’s Pub in downtown Cleveland. Anyone interested in joining the Cleveland Glasgow Celtic Supporters Club should call Tony Gallacher at (440) 585-5803.