The Monaghan Football Club of New York will hold its annual convention on Sunday, Nov. 21, at Cranberries on Grand Avenue in Queens. Details, Seamus Dooley at (914) 963-3825.
GAA to honor Dooley
Seamus Dooley will be the guest of honor at the New York GAA’s annual banquet, which will be held Feb. 12 at the Astoria Manor in Queens. The dance chairman is John Moore. For details, call him at (516) 746-6300.
Cavan to honor Denneny
The Cavan Football Club of New York has chosen Vincent Denneny as their
guest of honor for their 31st Annual Dinner Dance on Saturday, Dec. 4,at the Astoria Manor. Denneny, a native of Ballymahugh, Co. Cavan, immigrated to New York in 1978 and lives in Yonkers with his wife, Brenda, and three sons Brian, Shane and Conor. The club will also honor Dessie O’Reilly (Senior Player of the Year), Sean Lennon (Junior Player of the Year) and Justine Clifford (Ladies Player of the Year). Tickets to the dance are $75. Details, Dance Chairperson Tom Cahill at (718) 994-4257. Ads in Souvenir Journal are $100 and $60. Contact Journal Chairperson Patricia Sheridan at (718) 543-7726 or fax (718) 543-8606.
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Philly’s Tyrone club celebrates
The Tyrone Gaelic Football Club of Philadelphia will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Nov. 20 at Dugan’s Restaurant, 7900 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia.
Special guests will be Sean McCague, president elect of the GAA, and Cuthbert Donnelly, chairman of the Tyrone County board. Also honored will be James Treacy, Larry Strain, Mike Kirk, Joseph Keating, Hugh McDermott, John Keenan and Frank McCartan, man of the year.
Details, Owen Treacy at (610) 828-5240 or Anne McElroy at (215) 572-7786.
Tickets cost $50 and attendance by reservation only.
N.Y. Ladies GAA
New York Ladies GAA 7th Annual Dinner Dance on Nov. 26 at the Lake Isle Country Club, Westchester. Music by: Summer Breeze. This year’s guest of honor is Eamonn Duffy, native of Mayo. Details, Rosie O’Reilly at (718) 325-8715, or if you wish to place an ad in the Journal, contact Journal Chairperson Pauline Boylan at (718) 994-5939. Tickets $65.
Also, there will be a special Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, Nov. 19, in St. Margaret’s Church Riverdale at 7 p.m. to remember the deceased relatives and friends of the Association. All are welcome.
Seeking Golfers
The Tri-County Golf Club in Northern New Jersey is seeking new members for the 1999 season. Details, Mike McCormack at (973) 643-3984 or evenings at (201) 997-8914.
Mayo Trip
The Mayo-New York Football Club is organizing a trip to Ireland in July 2000. Anyone interested in joining should call Pat Gavin at (914) 237-9372.