The New York University soccer staff will be youth soccer clinics for the 2001 season at Sunnyside Gardens Park, Sunnyside, Queens, and at Balley Ellard High School in Madison, N.J. For information, call (347 581-4098.
Connolly’s golf benefit
Connolly’s Pub and Restaurant will hold a golf outing Monday, Oct. 30, at The Tuxedo Country Club, Tuxedo Park, benefitting the Aoife and Una Rogers Fund. $275 per person, $1,100 per fourball. Details, (212) 867-3767.
Support Paul Dillon
Paul Dillon will run in the New York City Marathon on Nov. 5 to raise funds for a special training program, "A Step Further," for the physically and mentally challenged at Omagh College in County Tyrone.
In addition, a drawing will take place following the marathon in Sean Og’s on Woodside Avenue in Queens, with proceeds also going to the fund. First prize is $200; second prize is dinner for two at Kilmegan Restaurant, and third prize is dinner for two at Copper Kettle Restaurant. There will also be spot prizes. There will be live music in Sean Og’s beginning at 5 p.m. Donation for the draw is $5 per book or $1 per ticket.
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Details, (917) 302-7115.
Soccer players in Chicago
Chicago Celtic Soccer club is looking for experienced players for their Sunday morning men’s team. For more information, call John O’Sullivan at (773) 736-5391 or e-mail
Celtic’s fall dance
The Celtic Gaelic Football Club will hold its annual fall dance on Nov. 4 at Visitation Auditorium, 238 Street, off Broadway, in the Bronx. Details, call Eugene McArdle at (718) 624-3774.
St. Barnabas dinner dance
The St. Barnabas Gaelic Football Club will hold its annual dinner dance on Nov. 18 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in Giovanni’s Restaurant in Yonkers.
Guest of honor will be Ena Keenan, originally from County Meath.
Music will be provided by the New York Showband.
Details, call Bill Donoghue at (718) 325-7582, Eamonn Deane at (914) 963-9415 or P. J. Dennehy at (718) 325-1998.