Paisley also said it was past time the Good Friday agreement was consigned to the dustbin of history and a more favorable deal for unionists be put in its place.
Paisley pledged the DUP will not negotiate with Sinn Fein while the IRA holds on to any of its weapons. “We will not sit down and negotiate with the representatives of terrorism,” he said.
At a well-attended and upbeat conference, which had more than a little of a pre-election rally about it, the DUP paraded its two new high-profile members, former Ulster Unionist assemblyman Peter Weir and British Conservative MP Andrew Hunter.
A number of speeches were personally insulting to UUP members, with particular criticism directed at the way David Trimble walks. One speaker called him a “turkey,” and UUP senior negotiator Reg Empey was referred to as having a neck like a chicken.
The DUP is boycotting negotiations on the implementation of the agreement and Paisley cautioned that even indirect contact with republicans would not be tolerated. There have been UUP claims that his deputy, Peter Robinson, was moving in that direction.
“Any member of the DUP who would enter into dialogue, communications or making bargains with Sinn Fein would be looked upon by the DUP as a traitor,” Paisley said.