Supporters say Lisbon is the way forward to better times for the continent. Detractors argue that will lead to the creation of a European super state, one in which smaller nations will be relegated to second tier status by the larger, more powerful ones.
These are critical points of view to consider so first up is the importance of eligible voters actually making the effort to cast their ballots.
After that it will be a case of which way the numbers fall. As the clock ticks down it looks as if the “Yes” camp will prevail and the “No” decision rendered by voters last year in the first Lisbon Treaty plebiscite will be reversed.
What has changed in the 15 months since Irish voters rejected Lisbon?
Well, for one thing, the idea that Ireland was somehow an economic entity capable of fully determining its course and degree of economic prosperity has taken a severe battering.
And the government, led by Brian Cowen and Fianna F_il, has managed to secure some changes to the treaty and guarantees in certain areas such as military neutrality, Ireland’s position on the right to life, corporate taxation and the right of every EU member state to retain a European commissioner.
The combination of far more uncertain economic time and these various guarantees would appear to be enough to secure approval of the treaty second time around.
Also helping the drive towards a thumbs-up is the fact that all the main political parties, bar one, are campaigning for approval.
It has been left to Sinn F