But this was followed in the afternoon by word that the city’s Department of Buildings intended to revoke within 10 days the official approvals and permits necessary for demolition “unless sufficient information is presented” to convince it otherwise.
On Monday, the status for the project at 121 Avenue B, Manhattan, the site of St. Brigid’s, was updated on the city’s Web site to say “job on hold.”
A source close to the Committee to Save St. Brigid’s Church who is familiar with such procedures told the Echo that there were “serious discrepancies in the paperwork” relating to the demolition and he added that these could be traced back to the archdiocese and not the demolition company named also in the Department of Buildings’ letter.
The letter, signed by Christopher M. Santulli, acting borough commissioner, says “the Department may revoke a permit for failure to comply with the provisions of the AC [the city’s Administrative Code], other applicable law or regulation, or a false statement or misrepresentation of material fact in the application, accompanying plans and papers upon the basis of which the permit was issued, or whenever any permit has been issued in error.”