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Texas Irish American Leaders: Maria Elena (Maley) Torralva-Alonso

February 17, 2011

By Staff Reporter

Maria Elena Torralva-Alonso is currently the co-owner of Creative Events PLUS, a full service agency providing clients with diverse services, such as event planning, public and media relations, governmental relations, and training workshops in strategic planning and public speaking.
Prior to the creation of her company, Torralva-Alonso used her motivational, managerial, and linguistic skills to bring racial and cultural diversity to media as Director of Professional Development and Diversity management for the Hearst Newspaper Group, and earlier as Public Affairs Director and News Anchor for KMOL-TV (now WOAI-TV). She also served as Executive Director of Target 90/Goals for San Antonio, a grassroots volunteer citizen’s effort working towards the identification and implementation of the goals for San Antonio’s future.
Maria Elena has served on such prestigious boards and commissions as the National Council of La Raza, Tomas Rivera Center, Governor’s Commission on Women, U.S. Department of Defense Commission on Women in the Service, the Port Authority of San Antonio and is the recipient of two Presidential Appointments.
Torralva-Alonso has received over 100 awards for service to her community in the areas of civic, education, business and communications. She is featured iN the U. S. Department of Defense “Hispanics in America’s Defense,” and named “Texas Woman of the Year,” Texas Federation of Business and Professional Women.
She is married to State Judge Al Alonso and they have four children, and two grandchildren.

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