This week’s visitor to the Echo Chamber is Gregory Grene, front man of the New York-based Celtic rock band, The Prodigals. They’ll be appearing at the Guinness Fleadh in June.
1. Who’d be the first person you’d invite to an intimate dinner party?
My girlfriend, Suzi, and my twin brother, Andrew.
2. Who’d be the last?
Ian Paisley. I always thought he was good for a laugh, but he’s turned out to be really bad news.
3. If the house were on fire and you had time to grab only one thing (other than a person or pet) what would it be?
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My box, a Castagnari Tommy.
4. On what occasion do you lie?
If I lied (and of course I never do) would I say?
5. Do you sing in the shower?
6. Do you have special outfits to wear on stage?
When we’re on the road, the least manky t-shirt available, same as the rest of the band.
7. What constitutes a nightmare gig?
“Guys, we need some waltzes. And do the Unicorn song!”
8. What is your funniest hidden talent?
Playing accordion with my toes.
9. Who’s the most eccentric member of the band, and why?
Andrew Harkin, our bass player, who lives on an exclusive diet of caffeine and cigarettes, and remonstrates with the rest of the band on the dangers of red meat.
10. If the world was ending tomorrow, what would you do?
I’d do exactly what I do now. I pretty much do live as though the world were ending tomorrow.
11. What word or phrase do you use constantly?
In good moments, “brilliant”; in bad moments, “[unprintable]”
12. What’s the best part of being in a band? The worst?
It’s 99.9% pure fun. Eating plastic food on the road with 1.5 hours sleep in the company of cranky bandmates is as bad as it gets, and even that can be amusing.
13. What makes you laugh?
My bandmates, all the time. Often even when they mean to be funny.
14. What was your most embarrassing moment on stage?
It wasn’t with the group; it was a time when my brother had talked up my reputation to a local pub of his, and brought me in to play a few tunes. Unfortunately that was at the end of a really, really boozy dinner….
15. So, boxers or briefs?
Very brief briefs.
16. What person (living or dead) would you most like to slow dance with?
Shane MacGowan.