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DUBLIN — Emigration from the Republic of Ireland increased by more than 36 percent in the year to April, with 53 percent of those leaving 24 or younger, according to recent figures from Ireland’s Central Statistics Office.
Irish immigration to the U.S. jumped more than 25 percent, to 5,400, in 1997-98, while emigration from the U.S. to Ireland, among Irish nationals and others, was up 16 percent, to 5,700.
The age profile of the 29,000 people who left the country was much younger than for those returning or arriving for the first time, with 45 percent of the 47,500 arriving aged 25-44.
The share of Irish nationals among the immigrants has increased
steadily in recent years — up from 45 percent in 1966 to 55 percent.
— Andrew Bushe