I was dying to ask the multitalented Kilkenny man a bunch of important questions: How did he get the gig singing “God Bless America” at the House that Ruth Built? Is Jorge Posada as cute in person as he is on TV? Has he ever been tempted to clobber Yankee coach Don Zimmer? Does he have Derek Jeter’s cell phone number?
Unfortunately, a quick check with his publicist brought the news that Ronan was temporarily unavailable, as he traveling across the country to perform in concert. So I decided that if the mountain wouldn’t come to Mohammed, Mohammed would build her own mountain, so to speak. So I channeled my inner opera prodigy to come up with . . .
Note: Absolutely no tenors were contacted, fed or harmed during the writing of this interview.
The scene: A check-in desk at an airport. Ronan’s sitting down, listening to a walkman.
Me: Hi, Ronan! It’s nice to see you again.
Ronan: (Startled) Em, hi.
Me: (Quickly) So, how did you get the Yankee Stadium gig? Come on, give us the scoop!
Ronan: W . . .
Me: Please!
Ronan: . . . ellllll . . .
Me: Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Pretty please! With sugar on top!
Ronan: (Incredulous) Does anyone still say that after third grade?
Me: Come on, I’ll be your best friend!
Ronan: (Resigned) Oh, all right. (Smiling) Actually, it’s an interesting story. I met George Steinbrenner last year . . .
Me: (Quickly) Was he with Derek Jeter?
Ronan: Em, no. Anyway, George and I hit it off right away. He complimented my singing . . .
Me: You know, Derek Jeter used to date Mariah Carey. She’s a singer, too.
Ronan: Well, yes, but . . .
Me: And her mother taught opera singers.
Ronan: That’s nice . . .
Me: . . . which is why Mariah has such an incredible range.
Ronan: Em, yes. Well, Derek wasn’t really involved. But I will say he’s a lovely fella.
Me: Do you ever call him up?
Ronan: Well, no . . .
Me: Because I thought you might have his private number programmed into your phone.
Ronan: Um, we’re not that close. But back to George and how I came to sing for the Yankees . . .
Me: (Interrupting) You know, you’re sort of like their newest acquisition.
Ronan: (Laughing) I guess you could say that! I caught a lucky break there.
Me: Speaking of catching, what’s Jorge Posada like?
Ronan: Em, I really don’t know . . .
Me: Do you have his phone number by any chance? Seeing as how you’re practically on the team.
Ronan: Em, no. And I’m not really on the . . .
Me: Posada’s really cute. He’s definitely my favorite Yankee since Tino Martinez. Actually, he’s even cuter than Bobby Murcer!
Ronan: Tino . . . Bobby who? (Checking his watch) I think I’m late for a flight . . .
Me: (Jumping in) So Steinbrenner liked your singing?
Ronan: As I was saying, he asked me if I’d be interested in . . .
Me: You know, you’re lucky to deal directly with the boss, and not one of the coaches.
Ronan: Yes, well . . .
Me: Like that Don Zimmer character.
Ronan: He’s really a very nice man . . .
Me: Well, he looks kinda quick with his hands to me, attacking that poor Red Sox pitcher.
Ronan: So, as I was saying about the singing gig . . .
Me: Oh, yeah. Are you ever worried that Zimmer will tackle you if you hit a bum note?
Ronan: That’s ridiculous!
Me: Oh, no offense. I know you’d never hit any bad notes . . .
Ronan: Anyway, when MR. Steinbrenner offered me a chance to sing at the . . .
Me: (Dreamily) When the series is over, will you get to ride on the victory float with the team?
Ronan: I really hadn’t thought about it . . .
Me: Well, if I were you, I’d ask to sit with Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada. Actually, maybe you could get me onto the float, too. Or at least get me their phone numbers.
Ronan: (Checking his watch again) I think I have to be going.
Me: Hey, thanks for the scoop!