James Downey
Brian Lenihan is in the news again. Several years after his untimely death, Charles Haughey’s right-hand man during some of the most turbulent years of Irish political life is portrayed in keen detail in this book by journalist James Downey. The latest twist in the ongoing Haughey financial scandal concerns the unlikely resting place of thousands of pounds donated to cover Lenihan’s liver transplant in the Mayo Clinic in the late 1980s. For years, Lenihan ran cover for Haughey. Students of Irish politics can only guess what the man would say now. Downey is a fine writer with vast experience in the bull ring that is Irish politics. From Dufour Editions, Chester Springs, PA 19425-0007, (610) 458-5005. 252 pp. $19.95.
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Traditional Irish music and baroque music could be described as a blend of individual fine wines. The blending is a delicate task, but left in the hands of the all-women County-Galway ensemble called Dordán the result is vintage interpretation on CD of music by the likes of Turlough O Carolan, Mozart and that onetime Dublin resident Handel. Narada Records.
Don’t mess with Texas. Clandestine, the Houston-based exponents of that hybrid known as "Texas Celtic" music, have just released their latest CD and they are anything but messing around in an offering which blends Irish and Scottish traditional melodies with a fiery twist of the Lone Star State. For details call (713)942-0971 or e-mail turtles@io.com.
A Tribute to Dermot Morgan
Don, Robert and Ben Morgan
Only the good die young. Add to that the funny. Though he may have departed this world far too soon, Dermot Morgan is still making huge numbers of fans laugh at the very thought of the man and his many guises, not least the one and only Father Ted. This book is an affectionate biographical sketch by the late comedian and satirist’s three sons. From Dufour Editions, Chester Springs, PA 19425-0007, (610) 458-5005. $19.95.