Mairead Conley
Mairead Conley
Deputy Director of Community Programs, Irish Immigration Center
of Philadelphia
Age: 25
Place of Birth: Drexel Hill, PA
Where you live: Havertown, PA
First Job: Waitress at a Golf Club
What it taught me: I learned quickly that money would never be motivating factor for my success (and I am a terrible waitress). It has always been important to me that my work is meaningful and fulfilling!
Status: Single
Three things people would be surprised to know about me:
1. I believe silence is highly underrated. During my year of full-time volunteer work, I completed a silent five-day retreat amongst Trappist Monks at an Abbey in Kentucky. It was the most relaxing vacation I have taken to date!
2. I’ve never tried Ketchup.
3. I have hyper-mobile joints which resulted in many falls and a perfect ballet turnout during my childhood.
As a result of this, my biggest fear at the International Rose of Tralee Festival was not performing in front of thousands, but rather falling on stage! Luckily, I left the Festival unscathed.
Best advice you could give someone starting out: Never be afraid to put yourself out there, get involved, and ask for help! Always be open to new opportunities and connections as you never know where they may lead you to next.
Through getting involved at the Immigration Center, I have found excellent mentors in Siobhan (the Executive Director), the Center’s Board members, and our Senior citizens who have helped me grow both personally and professionally.
During the eighteen months I have been there, I have got involved with a variety of organizations in Philadelphia, as well as met the Irish President, former Taoiseach, and several foreign ministers!
Mairead Conley was born on June 26, 1985 to a large Irish-American family outside of Philadelphia, PA. Volunteer work and music have always been fundamental parts of Mairead’s life. She spent summers serving in Appalachia as well as traveling and performing with the Temple University Gifted Young Musicians.
After receiving a BA. in Sociology, Mairead lived a year in poverty with Mercy Volunteer Corps as a school social worker in Cincinnati, OH.
In 2009 Mairead began serving as Deputy Director of Community Programs at the Irish Immigration Center. She is a founding member and Treasurer of the Board of Irish Network-Philadelphia and is also the 2010 Philadelphia and Mid-Atlantic Rose of Tralee.