Following hot on the trail of the $500,000 federal grant recently announced for the Michael J. Quill Irish Cultural & Sports Centre, New York State has stepped in with another $100,000.
The center is planning a day of meetings and briefings on Thursday, March 13, during which an update will be given on the master plan for the center’s proposed Irish Village.
The village will be a reconstructed 19th century Irish village with interpreters in period dress.
During Thursday’s gathering, State Senator James Seward is expected to reveal details of the $100,000 state grant to the project.
In the course of the day’s events, the consultant to the village project, Susan Hanson, who has just returned from a research trip in Ireland, will report on the overall site master plan for the village.
And U.S. Rep. John Sweeney will deliver an update on the $500,000 federal grant that be used to turn an abandoned manufacturing property into a small business incubator and specialty retail center that will make up the entrance to
the Irish Village.
Details of a planned 9/11 memorial at the site will also be revealed at the Thursday gathering.