For me, no Christmas is complete without a trip to the mall — any mall! Palisades has become my mall de chose ever since they opened a Sephora and a Forth & Towne. Not that I necessarily want to shop in Forth & Towne, I just like to keep an eye on what Gap’s fourth brand is up to.
When my sisters visit, a trip to the mall is an absolute must, to get the latest Abercrombie & Fitch gear for college. Gap hoodies just don’t cut the cheese in Dublin City University these days!
Once inside the door looking up and around getting dizzy at the sight of all the great shops inside — away from the cold, I decide that mall shopping is the way forward and make mental notes to myself that next year all my shopping will be done in a snow-free environment.
This joyous feeling usually lasts about 2 hours, and after that it’s the slippery slope downhill. I start to figure out how much mileage my poor tootsies have actually clocked up, the smell of cinnamon flavored everything starts to make my stomach nauseous. Not to mention seeing the frustration on my fellow shoppers faces.
Into BCBG, navy satin catches my eye. I’m thrilled with myself for actually being drawn to a color other than black. Navy satin cuts quite a dash and looks particularly good with my current hair color of dark auburn, one really must take these factors into consideration when shopping.
Wait, how much longer will I be dark auburn? Is it worth investing $300 if I’m going to be chestnut by February? Then I realize, what am I thinking? January sales are just around the corner, and chances are the navy satin will be spending Christmas with the bordeaux and the chocolate satin and waiting patiently for my return Jan. 1, just in time for my “New Resolutions” party on the 6th. Out I trot.
Next stop Banana Republic. My good friend Jimmy Keating is the Womenswear Design Director there, and his taste is impeccable, so I love to have a look-see at what he’s been up to. Not to mention that their jeans are particularly good at making my rather shapeless derrier look somewhat shapely!
Something gold catches my eyes. I’m like a magpie, always drawn to things that shine! Gold leather knotted sandals. Well, I tell myself, they do have a closed back on them so they are not quite sandals — while they are an open-toe, they will still be perfect with a plum colored pair of Wolford tights. Every groovy chick knows that opaque tights with metallic sandals are all the rage this season. Not only that — but they will be perfect next spring with the all the exciting prints that I’ve been seeing on the runways. Besides, being on sale already, who could resist? We all need a little glitz for the holidays!