“Senator John McCain has the unique combination of courage, experience and leadership that we need in these dangerous times to serve as the next President of the United States” said IAR national co-chairman Grant Lally in a statement that was issued before Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary.
“The Irish American Republicans rarely endorse pre-primary, but Senator McCain is such a vital figure for America, that our Board voted unanimously to endorse and support John McCain for President,” Lally said.
“Senator McCain is true American hero. He will fight extremist Islamic terrorism and keep our nation secure and strong. He is a principled fiscal conservative, who will keep taxes and spending down. And he is a true reformer, who will demand honesty, cut wasteful deficit spending, and end the travesty of “earmarks” and “pork barreling” in Washington” said IAR President, Kevin Hanratty.
Brian McCarthy, who is also an IAR national co-chair, pointed to McCain’s Irish roots in the statement.
“With ancestors hailing from County Antrim, Senator McCain has played a leading role on issues of particular concern to Irish-Americans. He has been involved first hand in the Irish peace process, is an active leader in the Friends of Ireland in Congress, and cares deeply about Irish-American relations,” McCarthy said.