Life does go on, even in the face of evil and ill will.
If we were inclined to take the dimmer view of the present state of the nation’s — and the world’s — affairs, it would be that we have passed through a war, that we remain in the middle of a war, and that we are possibly facing into yet another war.
But there’s more to what we live through each day than conflict, color-coded terrorist alerts and a lethargic economy. Lots more.
The problem is that an increasing number of us tend to rush around like so many headless turkeys and have scant time to consider the better aspects of a world that seems ever more stressed and stressful.
It’s ironic, then, that we pause, on one day of the 365 to consider life’s simpler virtues and values over, well, a less than fully intact turkey.
But we do. And for a few precious hours on a late fall day those of us who call America home, no matter where we are in this world, give thanks for friends, for family, for life itself. Happy Thanksgiving.