By Andrew Bushe
DUBLIN – Unemployment fell to 3.6 percent in July, down from 3.7 a month earlier, according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office.
The number signing on for state benefits on the Live Register increased by 6,236 in July to 147,101.
However, when seasonally adjusted to take account of workers being laid off for the summer holidays, there was a fall of 800 people.
The Live Register “standardized” unemployment rate for July compares with 4.3 percent in the April 2000 Quarterly National Household Survey.
In the year to July, the numbers on the Register fell by 12,813 people.
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The Register is not designed to be an accurate measurement of unemployment, as it also includes part-time, seasonal and casual workers signing on for state benefits.
The December-February 2001 Household Survey showed that 65,500 were unemployed.
The economic boom of recent years has resulted in labor shortages for many industries. The Dublin area is worst hit, with unemployment there less than 3 percent.
The jobs boom has also resulted in immigrants arriving at a rate of about 2,000 a week.
However, in recent weeks the number of job losses in industry has increased as the international economic downturn begins to bite.